| T H E   W I L D S   S E R I E S | G A L L E R I E S

Wilds of California
The Elepahant Seals of Piedras Blancas, California

 Located along California's Central Coast between Cambria and Big Sur is a wide protected beach where massive male elephant seals and the more petite females haul out to rest, mate and give birth. The  most active time of year is fall and winter when males compete to establish territory and harems. At this same time, females are giving birth and fattening up their pups.
   This segment of Wilds of California was filmed in the spring at Piedras Blancas. There were fewer seals but still a rare opportunity view these amazing wild creatures.

For more information explore

Friends of the Elephant Seal

Produced, filmed and edited by
Jim Karnik Films

 Copyright 2010 Jim Karnik Films